Our Cutting Edge 'customized digital service' System is LIVE for a Limited Time...

Apply now to see if your home qualifies for solar. The power company is the worst landlord you can have. They are able to raise your rates yearly making you pay more for never changing any of your living habits. Start generating your own electricity and lock in your rate to power your home. Find out if you qualify today.

PLUS... we're so confident you'll LOVE your system that you may get a chance to enroll in our referral program!

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You Care About RESULTS So Let's Start There...

Increase your equity by at least 4% immediately with help from 'PANDORA DIGITAL SOLUTIONS'

Take control over your utility!

Before working with us you may struggle to pay your power bill. You may just be tired of the power company charging you more, and more, AND MOOOOORE! consistently fill up your calendar with new jobs to keep your crew(s) busy.

After the first full month of working together, the number of conversions will dramatically increase. All while simultaneously seeing Cost per Job decrease. As a result, you get better paying jobs for cheaper and increased client base!

How We Do It:

  • Collect Power Bill

  • Build Proposal

  • Survey Home

  • Permits

  • Install


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